Welcome to the first installment of Friday Five, the perfect punctuation mark for your work week! Published weekly, Friday Five features five tidbits on topics dear to my heart. Whether it’s rocking girl boss status, sipping craft beer, planning the next adventure, or being a crazy dog mom, I’m a firm believer that community & […]
As much as I love the freshness of a new year, I get totally overwhelmed by all the goal setting, diet-pushing, let’s-change-everything-right-now attitudes. Are you with me? That’s all well and good, but I prefer baby steps. Little by little. One small action today causing a ripple effect tomorrow. January in particular gets me thinking about motivation. With […]
This one’s for my fellow creatives turning passion into profit. It’s also for those sitting quietly on a big dream who feel afraid to voice it. Big dreams & scary leaps come veiled in excuses. The “what ifs” instead of “why nots,” the “oh-but-I’ll-get-to-it-later” mantra we repeat over and over again. I get it, I’ve been there. And sometimes […]