There are times when I find a couple who just gets me. Their love for cheese, snuggling, and licking up wayward beer spills is eternal, like mine. Meet Ralph & Ginger: A duo of Golden Retrievers who happen to be siblings from different litters! Their human parents are okay, too (enter Lara + Matt, whose […]
Let’s throw it back to crunchy leaf time: A frolic through Duluth’s Bagley Nature Area, followed by some rock-skippin’ on the shores of Lake Superior. Perfect Duluth Day? Probably. Lizz, Jake, and Ty: Your little family has my whole heart. And I can’t get over that ear-to-ear grin on Cali the Bulldog, Ty’s very best buddy. Seriously. […]
Once upon a time, there were two little bears. On a blustery day, they braved chilly winds & snuffly noses to have an adventure. Mama Bear & Papa Bear were close at hand, just in case of any oopsie-daisies. One of the little bears thought he could climb a mountain, so he did. The other […]