If you’ve spent any time in Minnesota, you know about those idyllic September days. You know, where the sun warms your skin, and winter still seems a million miles away? Welcome to Linnea & Andy’s wedding day in Bemidji! Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything better than a good ol’ backyard wedding. Held at Linnea’s parents’ home on […]
As much as I love the freshness of a new year, I get totally overwhelmed by all the goal setting, diet-pushing, let’s-change-everything-right-now attitudes. Are you with me? That’s all well and good, but I prefer baby steps. Little by little. One small action today causing a ripple effect tomorrow. January in particular gets me thinking about motivation. With […]
Kim & Dan both blush a little when talking of their first fateful meeting at Dunkin’ Donuts, of all places. But let’s be honest, what better way to start a relationship than with sugary, doughy goodness? Although they live & work on the East Coast with their two pups, their families hale from northwest Wisconsin. The rustic, relaxed Brule River […]
Couples often recite their wedding vows, then promptly forget them. But why can’t your vows be a touchstone throughout your marriage? Whether you’re celebrating the good stuff or hitting a rough patch, those vows matter. Refer to them often, do regular check-ins, and remember why you’re doing life together. Ask yourselves, “Are we living these vows fully?” For our June […]
The Couple: Mackenzie & Ryan Where is home? They’re currently dividing time between Chicago & Springfield, IL! (Mackenzie hails from Bemidji, MN and Ryan from Gillespie, IL) How they met: They initially crossed paths online, then spent five months writing to one another before finally meeting face-to-face. Three things they simply can’t live without: Mackenzie – Music (Spotify […]
“But we’re so awkward in photos!” If I had a Thin Mint for every time I heard this, I would be the world’s largest lady. Friends, we are all in the same boat. Most of us feel a teensy bit awkward in the presence of a camera lens. Heck, myself included! You’re probably thinking, “But Bailey, those photos of […]