I offer small business mentoring for creative entrepreneurs and photographers, helping them move toward their goals quickly and with purpose! I work with…photographers, shop owners, artists, makers, multi-passionate entrepreneurs, and many others. So, what the heck does a mentoring experience *actually* look like? What does a Mentoring experience typically look like? Here’s a step-by-step […]
For years, I craved a dedicated space where I could dream, create, and share with others. After hours spent with my nose pressed against car windows in Iceland and in my husband’s native England, the concept for The Little Black Barn was born! Tucked in the woods on our property just north of Duluth, The […]
The truth? Today’s launch has been freaking me out. Being immersed in a sea of countless educators, speakers, webinars, courses, and e-books, I have felt both afraid and ashamed of my desire to teach. Does the following sound familiar? Anytime I launch something new for my business, I worry that… …people will think I’m just doing it […]