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Minnesota Wedding Photographer


Brittany & John: Wedding in the Woods at Juliane James Place

I met Brittany & John at the Greysolon Ballroom Wedding Open House last November, and we immediately hit it off. While I’m not big on standardized wedding checklists, I did grill them with the typical questions: “When’s your date? Do you plan to canoe on your wedding day? What are your thoughts on donuts? Your dog will […]

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Jessamy & Bill: Gorgeous Glensheen Mansion Wedding

When you grow up in the same small Minnesota town, your parents probably know each other & everyone knows your business (including who you’ve got a crush on!). Although Jessamy & Bill grew up in Grand Rapids, they didn’t really cross paths until Jessamy’s freshman year of college, when she was home visiting. Bill was […]

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Minnesota Wedding Photographer


Kristine & Luke: MN National Golf Course Wedding

It all started at a bar, but it wasn’t your typical meet-cute: She was mixing drinks; he stayed late to chat. When her shift was over, they ventured out for late-night pizza and a stroll on the Lake Walk. The rest, I’ve been told, is history. Kristine is like your bubbly best girlfriend, who loves […]

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Michelle & Jon: Duluth Park Point Beach Wedding

The forecast called for rain all week. Showers threatened on the Sunday morning of Memorial Weekend, but then the skies miraculously cleared for Michelle & Jon’s beach wedding! After seven years together, they celebrated the next adventure on the edge of Lake Superior. These two have done it all: Long distance, crazy travel adventures, moving […]

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Kelsey & Eli: North Shore Minnesota Wedding

Kelsey & Eli met through a mutual friend back in 2007. According to them, it was true love at first sight and in a car wash, of all places! Despite long distance, nightly phone calls soon became routine. Kelsey was attending school in Duluth, while Eli launched his logging business in Hurley, Wisconsin. “Our life […]

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Duluth Wedding Photographer


Lauren & Josh: College Sweethearts Say “I Do” at Duluth’s Greysolon Ballroom

It was freshman year at Michigan Tech. She was the cute neighbor girl down the hall who just wanted to be friends. He was twitterpated, but happy to build a friendship. When school let out the following spring, their connection didn’t stop there. Early in the summer, he made a spontaneous day trip to her hometown, and […]

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