Hey, Gorgeous Ladies! Happy Spring! Pretty sure I saw my first mosquito of the season yesterday. And believe it or not, that was a gleeful moment. Yippee, summer is coming! To celebrate, today I’m releasing exclusive details on Summer Boudoir Mini Sessions! But first, let’s get real. Why do I offer Boudoir? Because I […]
As I sit here, homemade latte in hand, watching the spindrift snow outside my office window, I wonder how winter came upon us so swiftly. Apart from the promise of Chorizo & Sweet Potato Stuffing next week, I am cheered by the upcoming Boudoir season. Talk about a winter warm-up! And today I’m releasing details […]
Boudoir [ ˈbo͞oˌdwär ] NOUN 1. a woman’s bedroom or private room 2. Bailey’s definition: An experience designed to focus on & celebrate you, right now, in all your radiant beauty. About a year ago, I felt a quiet tug on my heart to capture women & help them celebrate their own […]
Last month, I traveled to Las Vegas with my three best girlfriends for a bachelorette weekend. My sweet friend Emily is getting married this December, and we had to celebrate it bestie-style, of course! One afternoon, we bought a few magazines for poolside reading. It’s been awhile since I flipped through an issue of Cosmopolitan. […]
About a year ago, I embarked on a crazy journey: I set out to fully rebrand my business from the inside-out. At the time, it made my knees knock. These internal questions kept prodding away at me: Is it really worth the investment? How will I decide on the ultimate direction for this business? What if […]
They’re HERE! 2014 Boudoir Collection Details are now available, and gosh, are they gorgeous! In addition to marvelous images & complete session details, this guide shares a sneak peek of my new visual brand. Over the past few months, I’ve been working with the crazy-talented creative team at FloSites. We just wrapped up the branding […]